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Mediterranean Architecture Competition entschieden

Pressemitteilung UIA

For sustainable architecture with aluminium facades

In August 2002, the Greek Aluminium companies ELVAL S.A. and ETEM S.A. launched an international competition open to students of architecture and architects in the countries of the Mediterranean BasinQ. This competition, conform with the UNESCO-UIA regulations for international competitions, received the approval of the International Union of Architects (UIA).

Aims of the competition

  • to raise awareness of environmental issues amongst students and architects;
  • to disseminate the facts on aluminium and its contribution to sustainability;
  • to promote new ideas for low-energy buildings using aluminium façades;
  • to stimulate the exchange of best-practice on the use of aluminium as a building material around the Mediterranean.
The programme concerned the application of the principles of sustainability to either new buildings or existing buildings of the tertiary sector, of a total superstructure floor area of at least 1500 m2, utilising aluminium façades as a skin or envelope for the building. Entries had to address the following criteria: energy performance, user comfort, building functionality and cost over the lifetime of the building. The aesthetic effect was also to be considered.

The international jury, which was assisted by a Technical Committee, met in Athens from 10 to 12 October 2003 to examine 48 projects. Under the presidency of Alexandros Tombazis, architect (Greece) the jury was composed as follows: Mrs. Achraf Bahri-Meddeb, architect (Tunisia), representing UIA; Constantin Catsaros, President, Greek Aluminium Association (Greece); Maximos Chrissomalidis, architect, (Greece); Thomas Herzog, architect (Germany); Federico Mazzolani, engineer (Italy) ; Necdet Teymur, architect (Turkey). Illias Zacharopoulos, architect (Greece) and Nebojsa Minjevic, architect (Yugoslavia), were deputy jury members.

  • Grand Prix:
    I. Coello Muñoz, A. Guinea Martin, M. Roig Aguilar (Spain)
  • Prizes
    A. Psaraki (Greece)
    A. Chadzis-Diakomichalis (Greece)
    G. Lassa Cabello, E.R. Vizuete Albaladejo, V. Domingo Morena (Spain)
    G. Lambrou(Greece)
    L.L. Avanzini (Spain)
    D. Chiarini, M. Freddi, F. Ghirardi (Italy)
  • Distinctions
    C. Fernandez-Caballero Ochando, N. Marco Montañana, M.A. Pérez Mesa, I. Puig Tarín (Spain)
    Z.N. Ergun (Turkey)
  • Grand Prix
    G.L. Montanari (Italy)
  • Prizes
    H.C. Bougadellis et al. (Greece)
    E. Larrú Martinez, F. Torres León (Spain)
    A. Kotsiopoulos et al.(Greece)
  • Distinctions
    V. Bourdakis, E. Gavrilou, A. Tsangrassoulis (Greece)

veröffentlicht am 06.11.2003 von Susann Weber · Rubrik(en): Export, Berufspraxis, News, Export

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